Saturday, October 27, 2007

BLOG BOX REPORT - CAR 8, NYI 3 10/27/07

They were back tonight. Those guys with Islander jerseys on that we saw in Toronto a few weeks back. I know that wasn't the same group of guys we saw sweep Buffalo, beat the Rangers and Devils. I know that wasn't Radek Martinek and Andy Sutton out there tonight, but two impostors that found their jerseys and have Sutton and Martinek tied up somewhere. It was ugly. Ugly with a capitol U. Bowling Shoe ugly. The kind of ugly where you almost have to laugh and scratch your head.

In the locker room I was up for a new experience. This was the 1st time I would be back there not only after a loss, but after the Islanders were taken out back to the wood shed. First up on the hot seat was DiPietro. Say what you want about this guy, but losing REALLY gets to him. He looked P.O. ed and rightfully so. 6 goals and most not his fault. Asked about the odd schedule Rick says basically he is not going to make any excuses and they were ready to play. They have to get back on the ice as soon as possible to work and stay sharp. The thing I think fans love about this guy is that he wears his heart on his sleeve and bleeds orange and blue, he LOVES to win and HATES to lose. So much for that contract making him complacent. Next up was Mike Sillinger and he stresses that its just one game and they can reverse all of the bad feelings with a strong game next month (my words not his) against Tampa. Next up was the captain Bill Guerin. Guerin, always a class act gives credit to the Canes for the game saying they took advantage of every mistake they made.

In the coaches interview, Coach Nolan makes it a point that they cannot complain about the schedule. Its the schedule and they have to play it and its their job to keep the fire burning through the lengthy stoppages in play. Despite what the players and coach Nolan say publicly about the schedule, it seems to this humble blog boxer that they are bothered by the how the schedule turned out for them this year. I don't think they would ever use it as an excuse and that is how it should be dealt with but I bet people close to them have heard earfuls about it. I would be willing to bet money you would not see the High and Mighty Red Wings, Rangers, Penguins, Maple Leafs and Canadiens have to deal with such a fop ah. Such is life for the small market team.


It was a close vote this week. 32% of you thought that ejection from the building is enough punishment for brawling in the stands. 23% thought they should be arrested and 23% thought that ejection of the guilt party was in order. 15 % said "LET EM FIGHT" which I hope was an attempt at humor. Next weeks poll will be about which face of the Jekyll and Hyde Islanders team is the true face. See you Next month when the Islanders take on Mr. St. Louis and the Lightning.


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