Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Five MORE things that Bug me. Poll Results

Hello Fans. First this weeks poll results. Fans apparently think Bryan Berard will play a lot of games this year with 62 % of the voters thinking Berard will play 50-69 games and only 3% thinking he will play less than 50 games. This weeks poll centers around what you think should be done with people who fight in the stands. It has been a slow hockey week and visitors seem to enjoy the "Things That Bug Me" column so why not chime in with some more items that basically stick in my craw.

1) Channel 14? Why in the name of all that is holy is Cablevision using a channel that is on its analog band as its over run channel. Why do the Devils ALWAYS get preferential treatment on FSNY? These are questions I would love to pose to the good people at Cablevision, but their history when it comes to the Islanders is spotty. They have not aired games in the past, had an extended war with the Yankees and Mets over their networks, and continue to absolutely crap all over the Islanders every chance they get. Could this be because the Rangers and MSG are property of Cablevision? I'll leave that for all of the conspiracy enthusiasts out there.

2) White Out - What happened to the proposed tinting of the ice surface?

3) Buffalo Fans - What is with the banging on the glass? Why do they continue to boo Satan? All I know is they better not lay out the red carpet for Drury and Briere. That would be hypocrisy at its highest.

4) I can't hate Jason Blake anymore. People may or may not believe this, but I have not been a fan of Jason Blake over the years. Over time, he seemed to grow spoiled, entitled and arrogant with his role with the team. He hogged the puck, he was greedy. Then he opens his mouth in the middle of a playoff chase demanding a contract. THEN he signs with the hated Leafs. Then he disses the Islanders and their fans by making a comment about playing in front of a full house for a change. I'm all ready to show him what I think of him when the Leafs come to town. Then the bomb shell hits. Leukemia? The bottom line is this guy has a family and I wish him all of the best. I still do not want to see a teary "Thank You Jason" video, but a best wishes video or a stay healthy video would be great.

5) Fights in the stands. They are irresponsible, silly, serve no purpose, dangerous to people around them, and anyone caught fighting in the stands should be charged with misdemeanor assault, en citing a riot, and endangering people around them. What if God forbid an errant punch finds a kid? Or a woman? Or two or 3 of these cement heads rolls around and takes someone down with them? I witnessed a fight in the section above the blog box and an older lady wound up on the bottom of two fist swinging fans, one of whom happened to be her son. Who started it? That sounds like a discussion better left for the elementary school Principal's office. Yell, root, chant but KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVES!!



  1. I've always wondered how diehard Islander fans could be Cablevision customers. Every month when you pay your bill, you are paying the Rangers salaries.

  2. The Cablevision situation is MORE than an annoyance. They use "ratings" numbers as ammunition against the team. But who the heck can FIND the damn channel!!! You and I can have a nice long chat about Blake when I see you again. And you're right about fighting in the stands. It's pointless and foolish.

  3. anonymous - The Rangers represent a small portion of Cablevision properties, but yes a fractional portion of my $140.00 a month bill goes into Scott Gomez' pocket. With TV providers its a choose your poison because they all have thier ups and downs, but in short I choose Cablevision because of thier HD programming and thier excellent HDDVR.

  4. 7th, Yes i look forward to it, see you out there.


  5. I'm sure they have a contract with Fox Sports Net but the Isles should try to get their games on SNY

  6. I agree I would love to see the Islanders go to YES or SNY. Problem is they have a TV contract through the 2012 season.
