Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lighthouse Project in the Headlines!!

After news articles all over Newsday today about the Lighthouse project this blogger is starting to think that Newsday is getting its ideas for posts off of the Voice!! Seriously though, Charles Wang and Scot Rechler yesterday formally filed their application and plans for the vast sweeping Lighthouse Project to develop the 77 acres surrounding the dilapidated Nassau Coliseum and its rotting infrastructure. In a Newsday Poll, currently 89% of the people who voted support the project and this Nassau County resident is 100% behind the project. Long Island needs something. It needs a center. It need s place where people can go and enjoy a concert, and make a night of it and not have to get into your car and drive somewhere else to cap the night off. It needs a place where you can go see a hockey game and not have to wonder what the visiting team thinks of the outdated arena they are playing in, especially seeing the jewels of arenas that are around the league. Long Island needs, in case anyone was asking, a place for tourists to come and not remark about how they need to go to the city to have a "night out". We need affordable housing on Long Island. We need jobs on Long Island, we need tax revenue on Long Island. Long Island needs something that makes us feel we are getting our monies worth for paying the highest per capita taxes in the entire United States of America. We NEED this project to go forward not just for the Coliseum, but for the benefit of LONG ISLAND and all of its residents. The benefits are endless. The criticism is unfounded. Don't just read flashy headlines, read about the project and not just the Coliseum portion, which represents 15% of the total project.

Kate Murray, who is the Town of Hempstead supervisor will have a lot of say on whether this project moves forward, has already complained of possible traffic woes. This is the same person who apparently thinks that the Roosevelt Field mall is an easy place to get in and out, with our without a car. Are we really going to let her decided for us? Then there is Minority Leader Legis. Peter Schmitt (R) of Massapequa. You can bet he will be sick of hearing from me by the time this project is rejected or approved. Other than your local Legislators you can contact, you can start with the organizations that say they represent the people of Long Island like the Smart Growth Organization Vision of Long Island Executive Director Eric Alexander. I am sure he will say all he needs to say to get his name in the headlines. The bottom line is when a project like this is in the approval status politicians and lobbyists are going to use it to the bone to get themselves in the good graces of the public eye. What we have to do not as Islander fans, but as Long Island residents let these and your local legislature know that if they stand in the way of this project then they will lose the votes of the people who support it. I don't choose to stand and wait to see what happens I plan to let our politicians, lobbyists and anyone else know exactly how much we need this project done so we can have something we can be proud of on Long Island other than having the highest taxes, gas prices, electric bills, home prices to "boast" about. Instead we can have Wang and Rechler's vision of future suburbia be OUR vision suburbia because thorugh and through it is a great vision and an oasis needed in the center of a County where its residents are losing faith in thier ability to stay and live here.

Thanks for Reading and Support the Lighthouse project by contacting your local legislature, lobbyist, Town of Hempstead and Nassau County officials.

Check out this video and tell me this would not make you proud to be a Long Islander -



  1. As an Islander fan who lives a long walk from the coliseum, I DO NOT WANT this Lighthouse project! There is WAY TOO MUCH traffic now at rush hours in the morning & the evening. I can't get out of my own block because of the selfish A-holes that refuse to keep the intersections clear. This will be a nightmare not only when done, but during the construction!!
    I say build a new building to replace the old one, but NO to this Lighthouse nonsense!!
    -Gary, East Meadow

  2. Mr. Wang,
    Consider Suffolk County or in your lovely Oyster Bay!

    I am strongly opposed to this project because of traffic concerns. As an East Meadow resident, this project from construction,to completion, to its' use will make driving around this project, horrendous!
    Present day traffic in the mornings & evenings when the Meadowbrook Pky is slow, backlashing commuters flood East Meadow from Hempstead TPK to Merrick Ave to the point that noise, pollution is now at a unacceptable level. In the mornings from about 7 to 10 AM, it is almost impossible to get out of my block! (Merrick Av & Spring St) If you have ever experienced the traffic around Roosevelt field around the Christmas Holidays, this is an example of how it will be around this Lighthouse development on a daily basis. Forget about it when there is an Islander game!!
    I love the Islanders & appreciate what Mr. Wang has done, but please don't give him Carte Blanche with MY neighborhood.
    We need just a new or rebuilt Coliseum, NOT a SMALL CITY !!

    -Gary, East Meadow, NY

  3. I think the only item or issue I have heard anyone use is traffic. Wait a minute... Traffic? Seriously? Is that the best the opposition can come up with? One thing everyone needs to understand is that the land around the Coliseum will be developed. It is to valuable to sit as a rotting parking lot. Nassau County and the Town of Hempstead are going to make a lot of money off of the residential and commercial redevelopment of the site that will happen at some point, no matter who does it. You have to understand that a complete traffic study has been done as part of the research for the Lighthouse project and you have to trust that Scott Rechler and Charles Wang would not create something to make your and THIER lives harder. Traffic sucks, we all know that because we all live with it every day. Try getting into or out of the Roosevelt Field mall on the weekend. You cannot let a concern as small as traffic stand in the way of progress this is not a city people its nothing like it. It is an economic boom for all of us. Why does everyone want lower taxes, they want the economy to get stronger, they want thier property value to continue to rise, but then something comes along that is capable of doing all of those things and people start talking about traffic. Traffic? Managing the added traffic is PART of the plan, not a by product of it.

  4. Well, when the only way to get around Nassau is by the car, yes
    traffic is a big reason for discussion. After all, WE live here, not
    the Rechlers or the Wangs. Let me ask you a question, do you live
    around the coliseum. My guess is that you do not. My beef has been
    documented in this thread & I've been doing all I can as 1 person to
    let my opinion be known here & with all the local Elected officials.
    The only solution Wang & Rechler can come up with is a 'tram' Yeah,
    that will work! This project will bring more residents here & more
    cars! Plenty of parking is not an answer to traffic problems. The
    argument that this place needs to be developed for the common good is
    nonsense! Tell that to the people around the old Cerro Wire property
    or near the Plainview site Wang tried to build on! Who is going to
    profit from all this development? Do you think taxes will actually go
    Sorry, no objective, comprehensive traffic study has been done, yet.

  5. So what you are saying that Wang and Rechler have spent all of this time and money putting this plan together and have not done a traffic impact study? That is simply un true. Any plan of this magnitude has to have a traffic & environmental study done to submit to the town as part of the application when thefe is re zoning of a parcel of land for development. This place being developed for the common good is not nonsense. We need housing. We need the tax revenue. We need the jobs. Noone has said taxes will go down because of this project. But it will most assuredly help as a drag on escalating taxes by adding more tax revenue to a County that quite simply does not have any land left for residential development. For the record, Taubman Builders is the Compnay trying to develop the Cerro site, not Charles Wang. Keep in mind if this project is shot down someone is going to develop that land. It will not stay a parking lot forever and I would rather have something like this there than some non descript housing complex. I love in Massapequa and work in Westbury. I am around the site all of the time. Traffic is a problem and it will continue to be a problem whether this happens or not. The people that are going to live and work in this project are already Long Island residents.


  6. Well, I bet you wish more people than us really read this!! :)
    Anyway to put this to bed, no one loves the Isles more than me, believe me. I am in favor of a new building. I just don't want a mini-city with an Islander Arena as a throw-in. Let them move to Brooklyn, the old Meadowlands building, out east, or, just build a new building where it is, that's all.Wang's project in Plainview (not the cerro wire place) was originally going to be this big 'lighthouse' type project, but he was tamed down by surrounding residents, just as the Taubman project will be, if at all.
    The original traffic study was NOT objective, Wang & Rechler paid for it. Once the application process goes thriugh, a real traffic study will be done. The Rechler-Wang trafic plan does not address road improvements, just more parking & a tram service to adjacent Roosevelt Field's bus depot.
    You said you work in Westbury. Ever pass the Roosevelt Raceway area? There is housing there & guess what, it is almost empty. You know why? On one wants to live around there. If the Coliseum property has a mix of stores & housing, plus the new Coliseum, it will be the same.
    Don't be blinded by your love for the team, this lighthouse project is a bad idea.

  7. This has nothing to do with my love of the team. I would have no problem with the team moving, as long as it stayed on Long Island. Brroklyn to me in unacceptible even though it is a realistic possibility. Suffolk County could work, as long as it isnt in the Boonies. The reason those housing developments are nearly empty is because of the maintenance/taxes and the overall cost especially in this depressed market. Look I know this is Wang's vanity project that he views as his legacy. That being said I would rather have the development of this site done by his conglomerate than an outside the state entity. In closing SOMEONE is going to develop that land and I like what I see. It is obvious that some scaling back of the project as it stands will happen and a compromise will be made somewhere in the middle. Its like any negotiation, each side will thump and tell you how it needs to be their way or nothing. There is always a compromise and thats where this project will fall, somewhere in the middle.


  8. Well, the town of Hempstead has started reading the plans that Wang & Rechler sent in. Guess what? They left off some important items about the property! Innocent mistake, or were they hoping the Town didn't catch it?!! Well, the missing info was about adjoining areas & roadways! (TRAFFIC) They don't have a clue about how to hide the obvious problem of increased traffic that this Lighthouse mess will create! So, they left it off their plans! How cute, these guys KNOW this will be the downfall of this project, as others who were interested in developing here found
    out. I just hope people like me, who live around here, band together when there are more public hearings because otherwise, we, the citizens, will suffer while Wang & Rechler stuff their pockets! Oh yeah, the usual 8,500 Isles fans attending the game in the new Arena will love the place!!!

  9. I always laugh when people say Wang and Rechler are going to stuff their pockets over this project. Their pockets are already stuffed and they certainly do not need this project to stuff them more. Wang and Rechler have a traffic and parking firm as part of the project and Nassau County is conducting a 20 million dollar government funded study as we speak that they already expect to work with in building the project. The approval process is goign to take 18 months with the Town of Hempstead and they are expecting the full traffic study that INCLUDES the project to be completed by 2008. As it stand now the wrecking ball will not hit the Coliseum until May of 2009.


  10. 20 million for a parking study??!!! We,my friend, are in the wrong
    Happy holidays, thanks for listening to my rants.
    Gary H.
    East Meadow,NY

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. FCT's Traffic Studies is now in business!! 1 Million Each!! Save BIG $$$!!

    Have a great Holiday.


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  34. In everyone's life, at some time, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into flame beside an encounter with another benign being. We should all be indebted for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner spirit

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  39. In the whole world's existence, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm beside an face with another human being. We should all be indebted quest of those people who rekindle the inner spirit

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