Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Enemy (Within?) Returns.

Jason Blake is back on the ice at the Coliseum tonight. This will bring about a wide spread of emotions I would imagine as this is the guy the Islanders acquired as a 4th liner 7 years ago and was afforded the opportunity through hard work to turn himself into an NHL All-Star. This is a guy the Islanders saw fit to give a 3 year extension more than a year before his current deal had expired because and I quote "This is the kind of guy we want to reward". What happened in the Islanders unceremonious allowing of Blake to walk up to Toronto where he no doubt sits wondering why he is there answering questions as to why he is has scored 5 goals in 39 games.

These next bullet points are based on my opinion, and 3rd party information I have heard regarding the subject of number 55. Keep in mind this is opinion of the PLAYER and not the PERSON who I hope lives a healthy life until he is old and grey.

1 - Blake, despite his effort and production increases over the last 6 years grew to think who he was after leading the Islanders in last year keeping to himself as it became evident he no longer had to pretend that the Island was where he wanted to stay. The secret was out. Blake had openly complained to the newspapers that he wanted a 5 year deal, or he was out. Period. Consider the timing of this quote. The Islanders has acquired "Captain Canada" to not only push for a playoff spot, but to challenge for a Cup. His addition gave the team credibility it had not had in I do not know how long. Then Blake opens his mouth and puts the spotlight back on the negative that seems to surround the team most of the time. Their top player wants out, never a good sign no matter the circumstance.

2 - Blake was never a positive force in the locker room and his team mates were happy to see him go. So many wrote that players left the Islanders. I choose to see reality and see it as a liberation of team of people that had grown complacent, non motivated but talented players, and bitter players who think they weren't getting what they were worth with the exception of Smyth. Blake in included with this group. The team made no serious effort to meet his 5 year demand instead offering 3 years. Why is this? The team had the cap room, and the player is popular and productive. So whats the problem? The problem is he had turned into a virus in the locker room over the last 2 seasons and his teammates, coach and GM wanted him out.

3 - While it is no secret I have never been a huge fan of "Blakey" and it is because he caused as many goals against as he scored. Blake would not pass the puck (which is funny because he is proving this year that he can do it.) He would hold and hold and hold and shoot wide more often than not clearing the offensive zone for the defense starting a rush the other way. Definition - Blake turned into a selfish player who cared about his stats more than the team.

I think the Islanders are a class organization who will offer Blake a video tribute tonight for a guy who played just six years for the team. Excuse me.. a VIDEO TRIBUTE? Is Yashin going to get a video tribute when he comes back? How about Peca? Should Kenny Jonsson get a video tribute? Usually players that get video tributes are players that actually contributed something positive other than personal stats and working hard for a team for 6 years. I am sure this opinion will draw the ire of some people reading it as Blake was popular here but I can make no apologies for it. I hope he gets the "Buffalo Satan" treatment and I would like to see him buzzing around the offensive zone only to get crushed by a Witt body check.



  1. Frank, I think you're missing the point.

    Yes, Blake was frustrating to watch sometimes when he was on the Island, but the effort that Blake put out on the ice was seriously second to none.

    He was always the hardest working player out on the ice and never stopped moving his feet. Blake giving 75% was more efficient than Yashin or Peca giving 110%.

    I will stand up and cheer for Jason Blake when he is recognized because of the effort that he gave us every single night here.

  2. what he said... Tom that is... not you.

  3. I cannot say I am shocked (especially by you 7th!!) by the response as I know Blake was popular. I only used Yashin and Peca as examples. Blake meant no more or less to the teams success then either of them. The team made no serious effort to keep him around and the reason is because he was a virus in the locker room. Last year he kept to himself and alienated what was left of his locker room support with what became a selfish style of play. Thats a long stretch from the guy that was aquired for a 5th rounder to becoming the Diva on ice he became. Yes I would call Blake hard working, but I will also call him selfish on the ice and last night was a great example of Blake at his worst.

    PS I happen to think Blake is a great guy off the ice as I said this is about Blake the player, not Blake the person.


  4. I always find it amusing to hear the words "cancer in the locker room" from people who were never IN the locker room. Is Laviolette saying this to the media? Is Stirling saying this to the media? So who that was IN the locker room is actually SAYING he was a cancer?? just curious. Was the Islander locker room divided? Absolutely? Did it have something to do with Yashin? You bet your last nickel baby. Did Blake takes sides? Yep. Did he complain when others didn't work hard? I'd say that's a given. Cancer? No. Diva? More than likely not. Wanting those who were on those rosters to give 100% as well? Yeah.. I'd say so. But we all know how other people take criticism. They turn it to blame.

  5. I know Dee!! Never can I be so sincere!! :-P

  6. I think its funny that everyone wants to blame Yashin for the teams problems over the last few years and laud Blake with all of this praise when it he was clearly the single reason Blake had such a monster year last season. I place them in the same category when it comes for what they did for this team over thier tenure here. Maybe I am insane, but I do not look at Blake with rose colored glasses. I see him for what he was, and thats a hard working, for himself and not the team player. That is why he is not here. I know Yashin was amajor problem, but obviously the team thoguht his negatives outweighed his positives. Hey whats with this "never IN a locker room" comment. I think we all know we have been IN locker rooms. For the record, I do have connections for information on the team other than this blog box, which is what this post is based on. I heard it from to many people in direct contact with the teams players for it not to be true. Please don't ask me to name names, I am not George Mitchell.

    See you at the games!!

    Happy New Year!!


  7. then answer me this Frank.... If Blake was so much of a "for me, not the team" type of player, and such a problem in the locker room...

    HOW DID HE GET ASKED TO TEAM USA THREE TIMES??? I think it would have been four but he bowed out in '04 because he couldn't get insurance on his contract.

    I'm sorry, my glasses may be more than Rose colored, they may be so dark red I can't see out of them. I understand that. But I just can't believe that anyone who was truly a problem would have been asked to represent his country more than just ONCE.

    That is why I am so adament about this arguement.

  8. I admire your passion for the subject. He was selected for team USA becasue he is a talented player. It is a short term tournament that peoples attitudes would not really have the chance to shine through because of the acclimation period that is inherent with all people. The NHL is a totally different animal where you spend almost every day for 8 months together.

    Nice Laptop by the way.


  9. Raspberries Frank. Blog Box, internet Raspberries. But your fun to argue with.

  10. Thanks... I think. Internet Rasperries? Can I get some whipped cream with those?

