Monday, December 31, 2007

Islanders Rebound, Dublewicz, Poll Results

After a hard fought and emotional victory over the Leafs who here expected the Islanders to take that strong play into Ottawa? Anyone? Anyone? Ottawa is the class of the league this year and I feel sorry for the team that finishes 8th in the conference this season. Hopefully if the Islanders make the playoffs, they can catch 7th or above because 8th is a one way ticket home.. Again. After laying an egg in Ottawa the team got its work boots on and handed Mr. Brodeur a loss along with some fisticuffs from Comrie, Guerin and Sutton. One thing I like about this team is that from top to bottom they will not back down when challenged. For so long we were used to an emotionless top center. Its so refreshing to see our top center get involved physically. The team closes out its what you have to call successful 2007 with a road game in Carolina tonight. the Canes have slowed to a Category 3 and it would be great to see the 20th victory of the season go up as a New Year present to all of us. Wade gets the start again and how sharp he looked against the Devils is a major positive.

POLL RESULTS - Wow is all I have to say. People want Bergeron on the ice. 91% of the respondents selected the "Get him on the Ice" selection and 9% selected what he is doing now is fine selection. This Blogger has made it known how I feel. Despite his defensive lapses his pluses on the power play coupled with how the team looks on the power play lately spells MAB. Get him and his 100 MPH bomb out there.

This weeks poll will deal with whether your expectations are being met or exceeded this season.

To all thank you for reading and have a happy healthy and SAFE New Year.



  1. Comrie has got to go. His best attriputes are as followed: taking penalities, turning the puck over and taking extremely weak shots. And to top it all off this should be proof he must go. The islanders had an offensive zone draw in the same end that hilary duff was sitting. Before the drop of the puck mike locks eyes w/ her and smiles! Where is this man's focus. His brain is gutter. Ship him out!

  2. I have to share my experience this past weekend. I am mark from NJ and if you have read my comments, than you know how "BIG" an Islander fan I am. I'm the fan who continues to "PUSH" the Classic White Jersey, that Mitchell and Ness did. That it would at least become the teams third jersey, with the pants of yesterday also, with the stripes. Onto this weekends experience: My Wife and I, took our Daughter to saturday nites Islander's/Devil's game. It was super, the Islander's looked great! The coliseum was buzzing all game long, it was really a lot of fun. We do this about seven times a year. Stay at the Marriott, have dinner at the Marriott, go to the game, and have brunch the morning after. It works for us. It,s alway,s a great time. We alway's hit the team stores while at the games; and load up on Islander merchandice. On this certain weekend, our daughter wanted to go to the Roosevelt Field Mall, to checkout what their sporting good stores were offering. We first visited Dick's Sporting Good's, what a joke, their was a much better display for the lousy ranger's, I was also taken by the fact that they almost had as strong a representation, for the devil's as they had for your NY Islander's. From their, we went to Modell,s sporting good's, you know, that company that is alway's advertizing on Islander games. Again, what a disgrace. The garbage they were offering for the Islander's was unreal. Islander Fan's, and the Voice of the Islander Fans should go over and visit these two sporting good stores for yourselves, and see all the different displays for the teams in the area. The worst offering if you could call it that, would be by far your team, the only professional team Long Island has. The team that has brought Long Island and so many other area's, some of the greatest sport's moments in history. As Islander fans you should visit both of these stores, and see for yourself. In my entire life, I don't think I've ever bin more embarrased. The junk that these two stores are pedalling for the Islander's is inexcussible, PERIOD. On a good note, I did happen to be wearring my "Classic White Mitchell and Ness Jersey", And did I get compliment! The entire time I was at the mall, people were complimenting the jersey; A Classic, what the NY Islander's should be selling. Goods like the Mitchell and Ness Jersey. If your going to put the Islander logo on something, the then it should be an item with "class". Take a look at the NY ranger's merchandice for sale it's very nice. I tell you, I just wonder who in the world is coming up with this "JUNK". I'm not goiny to argue with anyone about, what's most important. "WINNING" I no, I watch every Islander game and want them to win every game. But they also can do it donning CLASSY DUD'S. LET'S GO Islander's Mark

  3. Joe, I do nto think Comrie is the long term answer for the Islanders as the top center. that being said I think the guy can be a special talent. The Duff smiling thing aside I like his game but I am not sold on him being the go to guy.

  4. Mark, I am all for bringing the classic jersey back as the 3rd jersey. It was great to see it for the Bob Bourne night last year. I do nto shop at Modells. Thier proces are insane and they do not carry nearly enough Islanders merchandise. I do not need to go to thier store to find this out because its just the way it is there. We are in a crowded sports market for sure but like you say the Islanders as LONG ISLAND. If you want Islanders merchandise go to one fo the team stores, or more specifically the team store in the Broadway Mall. All Islanders all the time.

