Monday, March 3, 2008

Islanders take 53 shots, Lose. Thoughts after "Core of the Four."

Reading that headline you would think that Jacques Plante came out of retirement to play for the Florida Panthers yesterday. You would think that Mr. Anderson made acrobatic save after acrobatic save. You would think he flashed the glove with that Brodeur like flair. Darting those pads out to get the shots that are labeled for the corners. You would think he was actually living up to his namesake from the "Matrix" trilogy, Neo using unearthly reflexes not to dodge bullets but to stop them. You would think all of that and you would be wrong.

Don't get me wrong, Anderson played very well yesterday but the fact of the matter is the shot total is indicative of the Islanders lack of scoring ability more than Anderson's ability as a net minder. I happen to think that Anderson is a very under rated net minder but lets get real that was no Ken Dryden like performance, and nor did it come close to Rick's 50 save effort against the Rangers. The Rangers have you know... scoring talent. I listened to the whole game on the radio driving back from Atlantic City and I wanted to reserve comment until I actually saw the game because without seeing it was impossible to tell whether I was misguided by thinking that Anderson should thank the Isles for the shut-out. How many of those 50 shots hit Anderson in the chest? Shooting is great, I mean you have to shoot to score goals. That being said a HELL of a lot more goals are scored in this league by hammering in rebounds and getting some traffic in front unless your talking about an elite sniper, which the Islanders unfortunately do not have. That Panther on the front of Anderson's jersey had to be begging for mercy after that game. I'm not saying it wasn't a good performance because you can't get a shutout in the NHL without a good performance. What I am saying is that the game puts a glaring spot light on the fact that this team cannot score goals. If I had a dime for every time I heard the play by play guy say "Off Anderson's chest" I would not have lost money in AC.



  1. 20 years from now, in an empty ghetto-like Lighthouse environment, as local leaders line their pockets from the highest property taxes in the nation, 3,543 loyal fans, bussed in from the old age Avalon or take your pick over 55 senior project, watch the remaining celebrated Islanders take the ice. Bossy & Trots are in wheelchairs, as Mr. Islander, Bobby Nystrom scatters the ashes of the remains of the rest of the CORE of the FOUR!
    From the luxury Box, the present owner, the granddaughter of Charles Dolan, gathers the press to rally for a new Coliseum! Meanwhile the Drive for Five is STILL ALIVE!!!
    But one thing has been a constant, the Isles always find a way to beat the dreaded Rangers & that is always a good thing!
