Saturday, July 5, 2008

More Random thoughts regarding free agency.

1 - Islanders are done. - Don't look for any more free agents to be signed by the Islanders. They locked up Streit to a 5 year deal and veteran Doug Weight to a 1 year deal. I applaud both moves as they make total sense if you really think about it. The team is going no where and they are years away from even thinking about competing for a cup. This season will be a transition year or a rebuilding year and if you are going to rebuild then you cannot hand out the absolutely silly contracts that have been flying around. If Doug Weight can regain just a small portion of himself after all he is 37, not 47 then we may have a decent 1-2 center position for the 1st time in a long time. The experts will still pick this team to finish dead last in the conference and they would be justified in doing so but they are going the only route they can to establish themselves in this league and that is with a total rebuild.

2 - Silliness is abound. - Let's be honest. Some of the contracts that have been thrown around are just plain silly. I wont go into which ones because we all know what they are. I am glad the Islanders aren't a part of it. In the words of Forest Gump, "Dats all I got to say about thaait".

3 - Jagr goes to Russia - Jagr has signed a letter of intent to go play in Russia and all I have heard from Ranger fans is a remarkable amount of indifference. Come again? If you think "Soft as Carvel" Markus Naslund or Nikolai Zherdev have a ghost of a chance of replacing Jaromir Jagr then I have got some news for you. Its not gonna happen. Jagr does not get replaced that easily. He led the team in scoring last season. Heck he led the Rangers in scoring every year he was on the team. Jagr is a dynamic player and this is one Islander fan that is thrilled he is off the Rangers, but I am upset a talent like Jagr is going to finish his career outside the NHL.

4 - Avery brings show to Dallas - Wow, a lot of Ranger talk on the Voice today. The Rangers have also let their new lord and saviour walk to the big D. You can admit it Islander fans, your glad hes gone, I'm glad he is gone, Martin Broduer is glad he is gone and the entire Eastern Conference is glad he is gone to go play his 8 year old antics in front of Roberto Luongo and Chris Osgood.

More later -



  1. Funny you should mention luongo and osgood

  2. In one statement the islanders are rebuilding wich is fine but then why sign doug weight.....why not take that money and try to sign a younger a Nagy..he would be perfect he is 28 years old!!!!!I would take Vyborny at 32 years old or dare i say Demitra at 32!!!I know he would cost a ton but how nice would he look in an Isles uniform?...In my eyes these three guys should be at the top of the isles wish list ....Nagy would make the most sense to me at 28 he will still be young enough to be around when some of the sound tigers mature..he is also good enough to be the man for the isles right now...this is by far the best UFA left and should be the number one priority of Mr. Snow....
    tell me what you think FCT..

    closet isles fan

  3. The problem closet with those guys is that is the Isles signes every one of them they would still probably not make the playoffs. I love Dimetra as a player. The problem with him is he makes Ziggy Palffy look like Iron Man. Its not if he will get hurt, its when. Nagy is an enigma that would be booed off the ice when he coughed up the puck for a shorty through his infamous indifference. Vyborny? there is a reason that he is still a UFA. He simply not that good. Nagy is decent but again ther eis a reason he is still a UFA. In the new NHL climate its going to be harder and harder for players like that to get contracts because of thier inconsistency and tendency to get injured

  4. FCT.....the big question that no one seems to have an answer for..( and don't use the light house project as an answer) why can't the isles get a huge star in here to get the fans in the seats a player that will make me go out and buy an islander jersey and wear it with pride!!!!!

    Closet isles fan

  5. See thats the problem closet. No on want to admit the fact that no high end free agent is going to sign with the Islanders until they get the Coliseum done. Why in God's name would anyone who comes to Long Island and sees an empty rotting parking lot and a 36 year old building that most College teams would laugh at? Not to mention that the arena is not exactly brimming with fans most of the time. Put yourself in the place of a high priced free agent. You can choose to play on Long Island, in that P.O.S. building thats half empty a lot of the time or go and play in one of those new hockey palaces that are all over the place now with player amenities that would knock your socks off. I have been in the back of the Coliseum, in the locker room and I have to say its not impressive. I have seen the locker room areas in other arenas and the comparison would make you laugh.

    Trust me, its not a non issue.

    On top of all of that, all players see when they come here is the Marriott Hotel. They dont know about Garden City, Manhassett or Long Islands othe raffluent areas they could live... noo all they see is that rotting parking lot and Hempstead Turnpike. Replace all that with the Lighthouse project, and you have a place maybe some of the Leagues elite would want to settle down.

  6. Yeah, replace that old parking lot with more buildings, cars, offices, congestion,surrounding fore closured homes, crowded highways & local streets & that would want me to come & play on long Island!!

  7. HI NYI Fan, I know your not a proponent of the project but whether Wang and Rechler do it or not, the area is going to be developed into some sort of a housing/retail development. Given the choice of some of the projects I have seen proposed this one is the most desirable by a long ways. Im sure the project will be scaled back some so Kate Murray and the Town of Hempstead can claim some sort of a victory before allowing the project to go forward, which is why you shoot for the moon on your original proposal to allow for some scaling back at a later time. They have already eliminated the 60 story tower that was part of the original proposal and you know there is going to be others.


  8. Yeah, I know that all too well,....that is why I sold my East Meadow home after 31 years & hopefully by October,
    I'll be WAY OUTTA there! ( moving to Suffolk Co, to quieter digs!)

  9. Shameless plug -

    If you need a realor let me know, my wife is one.

    Shamless plug over.

    Good luck in your new home and with the move truct me I know moving is not the easiest thing in the world.


  10. why did the coach have to see vince???
