Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Good and the Bad - Scott Gordon is in.

Finally a decision has been made. Former Providence Bruin Coach and AHL coach of the year Scott Gordon has been named the 14th head coach of the New York Islanders. Let us dive right in and explore this revelation from all perspectives in - The Good and the Bad.


1) AHL Experience does not equal NHL Experience - There is no doubt that Gordon has had coaching success. The biggest problem is that he has no experience coaching in the NHL. Anyone that thinks that the AHL and the NHL game are one in the same has never tried to make the jump between leagues. It is not the same game as the best players in the world are in the NHL and every team has a very separate identity and style of play. This is just another way for the Islanders to prepare another guy for success by giving him his first NHL job.

2) Gordon better than Maurice, Tortorella and others? - Do this math for me. You have guys that have won cups, built teams from nothing into contenders and champions in the NHL and you pick the minor league guy? It seems that this was not the best coach chosen but the guy Garth Snow liked the best. Again Snow puts his "reputation" on the line.

3) Scott Gordon, Placeholder? - This kind of a move is indicative of a move that says if it works out I will look like a genius. If it doesn't well then its his own fault for not being ready for the challenge. The Islanders are a couple of years away from trying to contend and that seems enough time for Gordon to compile a losing record and an excuse for Garth to show him the door in favor of a more seasoned and successful coach when the younger players begin to mature.

Time to Switch to -


1) Hockey is Hockey - There I said it. Either you are capable of coaching or you are not. Whether its the NHL, the AHL, the QMJHL, the IHL, the KHL, the Swedish Elite League, the OHL, the WHL or whatever league if you can instill your system into a group of players and make them believe in it and play hard for it then you are quite simply a good coach. Gordon has proved that and it is time for him to show the NHL what he can do.

2) He is with the program, not against it - Coming to the Island Gordon knows exactly what he is getting into. He knows the negatives that are inherent with the Islanders. Other coaches who have come from more successful franchises with brand spanking new arenas might be a little disheartened when they come into the Coliseum and see the state of the facilities. With a guy like Gordon he hasn't been spoiled with the luxuries of other NHL franchises. Do not think things like this do not matter because I guarantee you they matter.

3) First time coaches = success - Look at all of the first year coaches in the NHL making big splashes. They bring fresh perspectives and new vigor to the rink. They bring an ambition and a zest for the game that maybe some other more seasoned coaches may take for granted. NHL teams are giving more head coaching jobs to coaches with no NHL experience and it has paid off for most of them in spades.

I welcome all feedback on this and any other subject you wish to discuss here. Please leave any comment you wish and let me know what side of the fence you fall on.



  1. fct I love the isles pick of the new coach from what i hear he is very qualified for the job.....the question i have is how much do you think it would cost to have shanny play for the isles? he has said that he just wants to play to put him on the left side of weight and guerin would be a good fit ..i think it it wouldn't cost as much as people think and he would bring great leadership to a young locker room
    closet isles fan

  2. Hey Frank. I was worried at first, and I know Big Angry Man is not happy. But I like your "Good" column. I think it's bang on. Other than having to deal with the media, I think Gordon will be very happy here.

  3. Im tending to agree with the Good side also. but it would not shock me if "the bad" came to fruition. Im am not angry with the decision and im taking a cautious wait and see approach.

  4. hockey buzz is "reporting" that the isles are in talks with shanny ..any truth to this ????
    closet isles fan

  5. Another 40 something over the hill ex Ranger is not what we need unless we are looking to put the aspercreme line together.

  6. Thanks Frank. I spit my tea at my monitor. Even when you're not here, you manage to get me.

  7. Anytime Dee,

    I hope your Summer is going well.

  8. fct why would you not want shanny what is the differance between him and weight..they are the same age and could do some real damage together..shanny can still shoot..and last time i checked weight was pretty good at passing the puck...what is the problem why are you afraid of the islanders actualy improving and getting better? it makes no sense to me ....bailey has no chance of making the club this year so why not have shanny be here just so we can watch someone other than K.O. this year
    Closet isles fan

  9. If Shanahan wants to come here for half nothing then fine, take him. My problem with Shanahan is he is one of those guys who has been around the NHLs premier franshises. How is Shanahan, who has never been known for his mentoring of young players or beig a swell guy in the locker room going to act when the team is 15 games under .500 and out of any playoff hunt by the time Christmas comes? How is Shanahan going to fit in the Islanders locker room and horrid facilities while getting his tail kicked on a nightly basis? I have always been a guy that questioned his character after what he did to the Hartford Whalers. Now he needs a team much like Hartford in order to stick it to the Rangers which is where everyone and his mother knows he really wants to play?

    No Thank You, Ill pass.

  10. XM hockey this morning is reporting that Filitov may play on a line with Nash and Umberger....Good job Snow I sure do hope bailey works out!!!!...No matter how it gets spun. I hate the fact that they didn't take him ..i just don't get it...Maybee snow is like Vinny Mac ...."you don't know what you want ...I will tell you what you want!!!!"

  11. maybee snow is a genius ..filitov will miss camp with a busted leg

  12. I heard a rumor that the Isles are trying to pick up Matt Schneider, dropped by the Ducks.

  13. FCT you know what is funny I tried to purchase islander tickets a package that best suited me and my family it was the weekend package...I called the number on the web site and had to leave a message at 3pm on a thursday no one answered. No one called back....on friday I did the same thing... same result. Now it is tuesday and even if they do call back I no longer want to go to the games. If these guys don't care about the team then just sell it already. I am tired of the islanders being used as the center peice for an area of property to get developed to make people money...all I want is for the Islanders a team i have loved since i started to follow hockey to get better...thats it and thats all. I will instead watch the games on TV while another rich person takes my money Charles Dolan...when well it ever end i want nothing more than to watch my team play... but why should I if the people I am giving my hard earned money to doesn't care about me at all.

  14. Anonymous... Please contact me about the Tickets. I have been contacted directly by the Islanders and they want to speak with you and make good. email me at with your e mail adress and I will hook you up with the team directly and someone that will help you.

    I hope to hear from you.
