Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Don't get to Excited - A Deeper Look at 2 Wins.

I wouldn't be making any plans for the Islanders trip to the Stanley Cup Playoffs any time soon people. While the 4-3 victory over the depleted Blue Jackets and the 2-1 victory over the blue shirts are fine and dandy, the circumstances of both victories still paint the same picture.

The Islanders were up 3-0 to Columbus who were playing without a litany of their best players and their top goaltender when they imploded again and allowed 3 goals in the third period blowing a 3 goal lead twice in two games. The only thing that saved them was Chris Campoli's overtime winners.

The Islanders locked in a 0-0 tie at the Garden after two periods has all the indications of a competitive game. The problem is, it wasn't.

The Rangers dominated the Islanders for two periods and the Joey McDonald absolutely stood on his head earning the Islanders the 2-1 victory only because of two Ranger mistakes on the power play resulting in two shorties.

Two victories is a good start but I remain un-impressed at the teams play this season. The Islanders have looked over-matched in almost every game this season despite the 4 victories they have.

What does this mean?

It means that the long term prospects of a team that is 30th in every NHL power rankings of every major web site and hockey publication that cares to write about hockey have not changed much because of a couple of hollow victories.

Like it or not, this is still shaping up to be a long season.



  1. Fair enough but how about the team that is 8-1 at Msg over two plus season that played it's fourth game in six days against a fully healthy and rested opponent without Witt, Martinek, Meyer, Sillinger, Bailey, DiPietro and Bergenheim with Campoli and Sutton still in camp mode.

    Islanders were the club getting the most dangerous chances with Sim coming down the middle and Nielsen getting a few point blank shots.

    All well and good to point out the Jackets injuries but how about the Islanders?

    Lets see the Rangers lose these kind of players to injury and only lose a game with four goals to Montreal or a sixty shot loss to Carolina.

    Thank You

  2. It's still good to see Frank. But I can find the bright side of most things. ;o)

  3. Islanders fans sure wern't promised a rose garden this season. Enjoy the victories and don't expect the team to compete for the playoffs.

  4. HI NY..
    OK if you want to exclude the injury excuse then that still does not excuse two 3 goal blown leads in two games. I know the team is learning a system, but if the team does not have enough talent to implement the system it really does not matter what system they play.

    The Rangers dominated the first two periods. Just because Sim and Nielsen had chances does not mean the game was even anywhere but on the scoreboard.

    I hope I am wrong friends and this team shocks the world but I just dont see it this year.


  5. I agree with your article; the expression, "Even a blind chicken will find a piece of corn every once & awhile" makes sense here!

  6. Not a bad post, but pretty near sited, I mean first off, we were never promised anything but a rebuilding year, and isnt that what all these "so called fans" wanted, to be competitive year in and year out, this is the only way we can achieve that, no high end free agent would sign here since the stadium is old and there are only about 5000 fans per game to impress. Its sad to me, I have been a long time fan, and been to every game this year, and all I can do is shed a tear when i get to my seat and see about 1000 people there (at the most) starting to settle in. We have no one to blame but ourselves, I mean ask yourself, would you want to play in front of an empty house every night? absolutely not. Where are all these so called true fans that sit and complain about this team not doing anything, but in turn don't do anything to show support. If the coliseum became a great place to play as it was in the 80's and early 90's, why wouldn't they be able to attract some more talent.
    As far as the team, I have been thoroughly impressed with the strides so far, and the competetiveness of every game, beside the Buffalo game they have been in every game this year. Yes we blew some 3 goal leads, but what do most pros say, playing with a lead is the hardest thing to learn in any sport, so look, we blew one lead and lost, next game blew the lead and won, then finally we get outplayed and pulled out a win, whats to say this team isnt actually learning and starting to perform...... but again, shortsighted typical fans can only complain because we havent come out and blown teams doors off... if you didnt see this coming, you dont know hockey, and if you dont see the improvements by this team over the last few weeks alone, you really dont know hockey. Sorry for ranting, and this wasnt intended towards you, just frustrates me to see so many people complain and no one doing a damn thing about it. Its the cheapest ticket in town, bring the kids, have a fun night.
    I can remember when this stadium rocked and it was a tough place for a team to come and get a win, now its dead, and the only cheering is when the visitors score.... again, we have no one to blame but ourselves.... Would love to see a full house saturday, I know I will be there, just scared it will be me and a ton of Pitt fans.

  7. Anon, you & the thousand or so called 'die-hards' do not represent the majority of Isles fans. In my opinion, you are dead wrong about an empty Coliseum meaning there are no real fans. You just don't get it. Do you need another 25 or so years of futility to stay home & watch it on TV like the rest of us? As long as our team is in its' present condition, it will take some real winning to get us back, I am through waiting & paying good, hard-earned moolah-schmoolah to watch. I AM A TRUE FAN & HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME & THE MAJORITY OF ISLES FANS ACROSS LONG ISLAND because we choose to watch most games at home.

  8. Anonymous, you make some good points, but I think your off on some others. The article made no mentions of what the expectations for the year were. Everyone knew where we would likely be in the standings. Thats not the issue.

    And there are plenty of people to blame BUT ourselves. I remember when the old barn was rocking to... I remember it vividly. There are PLENTY of Islander fans here to support a team, but how much do you expect people to take? If this were the first or second, or even third losong season after a period of success then I would say you were right, but this team is is at SIXTEEN years since a playoff series victory. Thats a long time.

    There are plenty of people to blame, we can blame (some more than others) -
    Howard Millstien
    Steven Gluckstern
    John Spano
    Mike Milbury
    John O. Pickett Jr. (for allowing the greatest dynasty in sports to turn into a joke while he sunned himself in Florida)
    Ryan Smyth (for leaving)
    Rick DiPietro (for being an injured pariah)
    Charles Wang (for giving out ridiculous long contracts)
    The Rangers (for winning the cup)
    The Devils (for winning multiple cups)
    Peter Laviolette (for winning a cup)
    Alexei Yashin (for sucking)
    Micheal Peca (for sub-marineing Laviolette)
    Darcy Tucker - for ending Peca's career
    The Nassau Coliseum (for being the oldest most pathetic arena in pro sports)
    Nassau County (for blockign every attempt the team ever made to improve the arena)
    Spectacor Management Group (for being a blood sucking leach off of team profits)
    John Spano (this is obvious)
    Gary Bettman (for allowing the Spano mess to happen)
    The morons that came up with the "fisherman" jersey.

    I could go on but you get the point. Plenty of blame to go around.

