Monday, December 22, 2008

Dead Last... Almost.

The Tampa Bay Lightning never cease to amaze me. Their level of ineptitude this season is really astonishing, considering the level of offensive talent they have. They have two of the top forwards in the game in Vinny Lecavalier and Martin St. Louis. Yes they made HUGE errors in trading Brad Richards and Danny Boyle but shouldn't they have MORE points than the Islanders, who have not even won a game this month?

Tampa has 7 wins. SEVEN. After spending like a drunken teenager with her daddy's credit card in the off season one would think that Boyle is laughing his ass off playing for the mighty San Jose Sharks who are topping the entire NHL at the moment. If Tampa Bay winds up with John Tavares Gary Bettman should start an investigation.

The focus of this season has changed from a rebuilding year to a "rock bottom" year. Injuries have again decimated the roster and voided any chance the team has to be competitive. Head coach Scott Gordon's system has come under fire in recent weeks and was even criticized by his own players.

If what we saw in Newsday with Witt was quoted just imagine what is being said behind the scenes out of ear shot of Greg Logan from Newsday.

When id the right time to sell of veterans to the highest bidder? I would say wait as long as you can for two reasons. One being the obvious injury. Weight, Sillinger, Sutton and Martnek are all out.

Two would be that teams will pay more when the trade deadline is near. If Doug Weight isn't hurt and has 55 points at the deadline, then he could net us a 2nd round pick. Same goes for Guerin.

Names that should go if and when they do go into sell mode - Mike Comrie, Mike Sillinger, Andy Sutton, Brendan Witt, Radek Martinek, Bill Guerin and Doug Weight.

Let me know what you think.. the fans must speak.



  1. FCT I have actually enjoyed watching the islanders play in thier system belive it or not ..I think the coach is doing a good job ...they just don't have the offensive stars needed to fill the guy said on the xm hockey channel that the islanders system is much like the flyers system esspecialy when they go a man down...the only differance is the isles don't have a richards or a carter ..I really don't know what the right answer is big time free agents wont come here Tavares already said he wouldn't come here if drafted by the isles so what are the isles to do? it is a very fustrating situation to say the least

  2. I have not heard anything about Tavares saying he will not play here.. as a matter of fact this si from a TSN interview in November -

    NHL on TSN: It's ridiculously early and we have the NHL standings in front of us with the Islanders, Kings, Thrashers, Coyotes, Panthers in the bottom five lottery positions. Do you watch those standings and will you be because you know you'll be in that mix?

    John Tavares: "Well, you hear it every day and it's hard to ignore, but you really try not to get too focused on it. Anywhere I go, it will be a privilege and a great honour and I'll be happy to go to a team that picks me and wants me to be part of a team that can be successful and hopefully win a Cup."


  3. The Lighning have looked terrible. They have played great hockey in almost every game, but not for more than a period.

    However, don't write them off yet. They are starting to play a bit harder, and the "golden boys" Vinny and Marty have been moved down the THIRD LINE.

    Good for you Coach...those guys were getting LAZY!!!

    I think you'll see them turning the season around, starting....last week.

  4. I live this bloc and Plus

  5. this is thegreatest bloc is habe Eber traf onthe iales keep of hp
