Friday, November 11, 2011

New York Islanders: Islanders Play Two Games in One Night

No its not what your thinking. They did not get rained out and play a double header. Don't you know true double headers do not happen any more?

That aside, the Islanders were dominating the Colorado Avalanche last night just about through two periods leading three zip late in the second period.

Then something happened.

The Islanders totally imploded after the Avalanche scored a late second period power play goal.

Then the Avalanche came storming back in the third period putting 16 pucks and two goals on the Islanders before ending it on yet another power play in overtime.

Not to say the Islanders did not have their chances and they did not play a perfect game mind you. Goaltender Al Montoya bailed them out in the second period when the Avalanche threw 19 shots at him and some really good chances also.

Three goal leads in the NHL are supposed to be safe leads. Now this is obviously not the first time a three goal lead has been blown, but this is a game that should have been all Islanders at the end. It wasn't.

So what went wrong? The first thing you can look at is that what was supposed to be a strength for the Islanders is looking like a weakness. They allowed 47 shots on goal. Now The Avalanche are a good young team but no one is confusing them with the Capitals.

The Islanders defense has been spotty this season with the lone bright spot being Mark Streit.

What can the team do to fix the problem? Well, they tried to fix the problem with someone named Christian Ehrhoff in the off season but he decided he did not want to be on the Island.

The Islanders are going to have to make due with what they have and they have a compliment of defenseman that should be able to handle it. Hopefully they can straighten this out and find five guys to play with Streit that can hold the opposition down.

1 comment:

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