Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Return of Random Thoughts

Hello Fans, sorry for the lack of articles here as work has been taking up to much of my time. I will be posting more often from now on so check back and see what the Voice has to say.

The voice Presents - Random thoughts. 5 points as it relates to the New York Islanders.

1 - Chris Simon strikes (out) again. Everyone says how great a guy he is. Everyone says how great a teammate he is. Chris Simon tried to injure another hockey player, this time using his own skate as a weapon. I think the team has handled this the best way they could. Get him away from the team because it is obvious that Simon is somewhat unstable on the ice as his certain SEVENTH suspension is coming from the NHL. I think the teams reaction has been a surprise. How many other organizations would have just cut ties with the man and tried to distance themselves from the situation. The Islanders have said they will not do this and try to get him the help he obviously needs.

2 - Winter Doldrums, the teams limps into the Holidays. This year started off so positive. everything seemed to break right, they were skating, scoring, showcased stellar goal tending, their power play was clicking, the penalty killing was stellar. All of these are out the window. DiPietro has been good, but not the level he was at in October. The most obvious problem is goal scoring as the team has not scored 4 goals in a time frame that rivals most climate changes. What is the team supposed to do about it? The answer quite simply is they need help. They have the cap room and the prospects to get a deal done, but at what price and just who could come in here and make an impact? That is a question for Mr. Snow. Making impact trades is not as simple as it once was so what transpires should be interesting.

3 - No News is No News. The Lighthouse project sits in the Town of Hempstead's office for approval. Check back with me in 17 months.. SEVENTEEN MONTHS to check on its project. Ask your local politicians what they think, If they say anything with the word "traffic" in it ask them where all these extra people who will be populating the Lighthouse will come from. Answer - They are already here.

4 - Attendance. Well, I have lost my argument that the team is performing so fans needed to show up. That being said if this team is in a playoff race again and it appears they are headed for one, attendance should rise. I say should because you just never know with this market. People around here have a lot of choices on where to spend their entertainment dollars and the Islanders are going to have to develop a consistent winner to average above 14 thousand fans nightly. Win and they will come.

5 - The style of team we have is.... Anyone? Anyone? The Phoenix game was a perfect example. It opened up in the 3rd, but the Islanders really need to make up their minds as to what kind of a game they will play. If they want to emulate the 95 Devils, then go do it and stick to it. If they are trying to emulate the '93 Canadiens, then do that and stick to it. It is like watching 2 or 3 different teams play as they seem to play a different style each period. Maybe that is a part of the plan, but it would be the first I have heard of it. It seems the Islanders are always trying to lull a team to sleep in the 1st period. The 2nd is more of a tight checking trade your scoring opportunities type with an open style of play in the 3rd, whether they have a lead or not.

I encourage comments do you agree or am I off base? Let me know!!



  1. fct

    Win and they will come is true ...but how about get a "super star" and they will come? The black hawks were terrible for years now with Towes and Kane attendance is up more than %50 a night ...why? ..because they are future stars and people want to see them ...why does Atlanta do as well as it does ...they have two guys there that are top ten in the league...The Islanders are a storied franchise rich with history but now they need a star!!!! Its the isles turn!!!enough of all these other teams getting great players ...why can't we have one to build the team around? Marion Hossa is a free agent at the end of the year how about him!!!!!

    Toews #19 4 life

  2. Marian Hossa would look GREAT in an Islanders uniform. A guy like that would be a great start to getting the Islanders the offense they need to take some of the pressure off the defense and goaltending.

  3. Did anyone mention 'traffic'? Has anyone driven to & fro Roosevelt Field this Christmas season? THAT is what it will be like around the lighthouse every day of every year; forget the Isles games, IT will be so crowded with cars, no one will go there anymore (sorry, Yogi!)

  4. traffic ...who cares about trafic ..I would sit in all the trafic i needed to if it meant i would see a player like Hossa on the isles ....this is the problem everyone cares about all the outside the team problems ...stop with everything else except getting the team better with a legite super star!!!! just like the the black hawks did!!!
    Toews 4 life

  5. The thing I do no understand is the only thing opponents of the Lighthouse project have to say is it will bring more traffic. Really? How many traffic studies have these people seen? Where do you think these people that will live and work in the area come from? The answer - THEY ARE ALREADY HERE!!


  6. If they all work from home, I agree; otherwise they will bring their cars with them from wherever they moved from, making it a 24 hour traffic nightmare!!
    "AH SHUKS, I don't live there, so what is the big deal?"-C.W.
    Here is a common sense off the cuff traffic study.
    'A TRAM!!'
    And this 'study' does not take in consideration people commuting to the new offices in the 'lighthouse'.
    The people who will commute there from wherever will leave their old offices & I guess those old offices will just vanish, so that will help ease the overall congestion, duh?

  7. I think its very narrow minded to write off the project because of of something like this. 24 hour traffic nightmare? Keep in mind that this site WILL be developed. It is worth millions in untapped revenue for the County and the fact that it sits as a rotting parking lot does no good for anyone. Traffic seems to be the only objection anyone has to the project. If this is true then you have to agree as a Nassau County resident that the positives outweigh the negative.

  8. Well, your reason, untapped revenue for Nassau county is not good enough; taxes will not go down, the few stores & attractions that this will bring we do not need, just overkill. I say, leave it be, just build a world class arena. Or if not, let Wang move his Islanders, he only cares about this property & Chris Simon, not about winning a Stanley Cup. Being a bit better than a 500 team is good enough for CW.

  9. I would first like to compliment this blog, Voice of the Islander Fans, it's terrific, I read it everyday, so thank you. My suggestions on your current issues, # 1 I am i000% in favor of the Lighthouse Project; It looks amazing. The NY Islander's and their fans deserve the best, and by what I've seen, this looks to be State Of Art. # 2 I could't agree more with you, that the Islander's need a super star: How about two, Marian Hossa and Alex Ovechkin. Both are available this summer. I would again, go after Eric Nystrom and go after Robert Nilsson. A line of Robert Nilsson, Sean Bergenheim, and Eric Nystrom in time, to me would soon become terrific, at least a top #2 line. The Islander's never gave Robert Nilsson a real shot, he has shown signs at times, of brilliance. We all can see what Sean Bergenheim brings to the table, and bringing Eric Nystrom to the Islander's to me, is a no-brainer. #3 The NY Islander's need to build their farm system, and keep their player's, not trade them away like Mike Millbury did. The talent that the Islander's farm system has provided the NHL with is insane. #4 My last wish is that the NY Islander's bring back the uniforms worn by the team until 1995. When a team win's 4 straight Stanley Cups you never change the teams uniform PERIOD. NY Yankee's from day one, the same uniforms. I would make the uniforms of the Stanley Cup Era their two main uniform's, and if they wanted a 3rd, than let them design one. But a at the very least, have their Classic White Jersey of the Stanley Cup Era, be their third jersey to be worn as often as possible. Islander fans grab your Pride and Passion book and look through it, those uniforms worn until 1995 are a major part, of the face, of your NY Islander's. Not the lousey Fisherman jersey,s that were a disgrace to all connected to the Islander's. Not the jersey designed for the fisherman logo replaced by the Classic Islander logo. Not the orange third jersey. And certainly not the current jersey. Go back to the original material for the jersey's, and the original uniform's, colors, stripes on the pants, and white to be worn at home. All of this and to me you have a sold out Nassau Coliseum every nite. And respect throughout, all of hockey. Thanks, Mark

  10. To Anonymous - See thats the problem I do not understand what opponents of the plan are thinking. Do you honestly think that if Wang finally gives up on the project and moves the Islanders that the idea of developing the site will go away? It is 150 acres of prime real estae just aching to be turned into something that can make the County money. Why shouldnt the Islanders be a part of it? I dont know how someone can look at 2300 new residences, and 2.5 million square feet of office space, a 5 star hotel and wonder where all of the tax revenue is supposed to come from. These are guy willing to pump 2 BILLION dollars to develop the area. You simply to not say no to something as special as that. If Wang and his team give up I absolutely shudder to think what could be developed in the Lighthouses place. It is a crown jewel of a project and something that may be able to slow the steady stream of people leaving Long Island by offering them something truly unique. Look at the plans again and tell me its not something you would love to see.

    To Mark - The rumor that Ovechkin may be available is just that, its a rumor. If they trade him it could be the death knell for the franchise unless he demands the trade. I think the Caps will do the smart thing and get him signed long term. WIth Hossa they have a different situation. Atlanta may not be abe to afford both Hossa and Kovachuk and Kovalchuk seems to be the guy they are building around. If Hossa is available at the trade deadline if we are still in the race they should go for him, otherwise wait for the off season and make him one of those "Gomez" offers.

    I thank all that read and post here and wish you all the happiest holidays.

