Friday, December 7, 2007

The Good and the Bad Part VI - Islanders Defenseman

Hello fans and welcome back to The Voice. There has been so much talk over the Islanders defense corp consisting of Marc-Andre Bergeron, Bryan Berard, Brendan Witt, Andy Sutton, Bruno Gervais, Chris Campoli, Freddy Meyer and Aaron Johnson. So what better way to sort out this debate by letting the Good and the Bad fight it out once again. Its a never ending battle, and this is the next chapter.

1) They are young, mobile, hungry and talented. There may not be a Paul Coffey type among the group to skate end to end, but those type of guys are few and far between.
2) Gervias and Campoli continue to improve and show they can be the core of the defense for years to come.
3) They present the right combination of grit, offensive skill, and defensive responsibility to shoulder the load of the added responsibility to protect small leads the Islanders have had to deal with all season long. The experience they are gaining through playing in tight games will serve them well in the long run.

1) Placing to much pressure on them is not a good thing, its a bad thing. Every mistake is amplified to the point that the blame gets placed on the defense when the team loses 2-1 that instead of it being the fault of the forwards for not scoring, it falls on the defense to play a flawless game.
2) Marc Andre Bergeron has taken two steps back this year and probably wont be on the team for much longer. his booming shot has been neutralized by opposing penalty killing and his frequent bad decisions have not endeared him to the coaching staff.
3) The team needs a power play quarterback. Someone who can play responsibly in the offensive zone as well as place a shot on net instead of missing the net.

There you have it, 3 for and 3 against. Feel free to voice your opinions on this matter!!



  1. You summed it up perfectly...What is it that makes MAB make such istakes???Is he just a bit slow mentally???I like the guy and he was so excited last year its sad to se him struggle and get benched all the time now...He gave up the puck last year also but I guess he made up for it by scoring...He scored a big goal on the power play against the Sabres in game two of he playoffs...Do u think that the maybe the team's lack of offense has made his mistakes magnified this year and maybe the fact that he has to be perfect could be making him make even more mistakes???

  2. That is a perfect answer I think the teams struggles to scroe have magnified not just his mistakes but some of the others also.
