Saturday, February 9, 2008


This is it. This is where the bleeding must stop. This far, and no further. The Islanders have found every conceivable way to lose a game over the last 3 weeks and it must stop NOW. Minnesota today and The Orange Crud on Tuesday will be the first opponents of this Do or Die section of the Islanders schedule. If they want to salvage this season then they must win, period. The team stands now at 24-25-6. They are 6 points out of a playoff spot at this point and I will admit that it is by no means an insurmountable amount. The problems are the team is going downhill. 2-7-1 in their last 10 games is not a way to push towards a succesful playoff run. That and there are FOUR teams ahead of them jockeying for the 8th spot. I will not say that it is over, because it is not. What it is though is highly unlikely. What good does finishing 8th do anyway? It earns you 4 games against a juggernaught that is going to run over its 1st round victim in short order. as far as I am concerned finishing 8th isn't making the playoffs, its a one way ticket home.

The team is not going to pull another Ryan Smyth act this season, for one reason is that everyone who has a player to trade would ask for Okposo, and the fact that this summer's draft is going to rival the summer of 'o3's draft where 23 out of the 30 players drafted in the first round are currently in the NHL. I say we play the seller card this season and get the kids in Bridgeport some NHL face time the rest of the way. NHL teams want what we have and thats veterans on short term contracts who don't make serious money who can help in the short term. Who could net the most?

Mike Sillinger - There is a reason he has been traded at the deadline and been on more teams than most players. He is valuable, excellent defensively and great on faceoffs and excellent team player and could literally help anyone.

Mike Comrie - I am not kidding myself into thinking that Comrie is going to sign here long term. This season is a one season audition for a multi year contract up North or out West.

Miro Satan - He can put the puck in the net and is another guy we all know is not going to be back next season anyway. He needs to be a part of an offensive system. Ottawa could use him and he would look really nice next to Heatley and Spezza.

Marc-Andre Bergeron - I still do not understand why this guy is not playing on a team that is DEAD LAST in the NHL in goals for. I have said it before, he is worth the risk to have in the lineup but if he is not going to be used then lets get something for him.

Bryan Berard - Again, offensive defesman on the roster and Aaron Johnson and Andy Sutton are manning the power play. When did I get to bizarro land? I doubt he has any trade value at this point.

Bendan Witt - This is one guy I would not want to part with. On the other hand if a 1st round draft pick were coming the other way you would have to consider it.

Bill Guerin - Has proven he can still find the back of the net and has one year left on his deal. Again if a 1st rounder were involved you would have to consider it.

Josef Vasicek - I am not sure what kind of trade value he has, but he could net a 4-5th round pick. This guy is a microcosm of the Islanders - looks good from time to time but just isnt good enough to get the job done.

The time is coming for hard desicions and I hope I am wrong and this team can turn it back around. The next 2 weeks will tell and if the current trend continues the WORST thing that can happen is the team do nothing. Then a lose becomes a LOSE LOSE.

Let me know who you think should be traded if the tide doesnt turn.



  1. I think a little bit more criticism of management is in order here, I think that Snow is is in WAY over his head. If we ever hired an experienced GM, like a Brian Burke or a Murray Brother type with more hockey sense than an over the hill back up goaltender, it might be a different story now, but who knows, at least we have something to rant about here!! We had a chance with Neil Smith & we all know how that turned out. Mr. Wang just doesn't want anyone telling him what to do. I wonder how long the relationship with the Rechlers will last?

  2. I will not complain about Okposo not comming up....What I will complain about is the fact that at the front of the promotions page I see PINK COLORS AND HEARTS for valintines day all surounded by the Isles-Flyers game!!!!!!Does this bother any one except me???Long gone are the days when a bus load of dirt flyer fans would make the trip and security guards with bright yellow coats would spend the whole game running up and down the stairs of the 300 sections breaking up fights in the its pink and hearts..I feel like i am in the twilight zone!!!!Maybee we should present Daniel Brier with a box of chocalates..and we should give Downey some "be mine" candies ..wouldn't that be sweet!!!!look how nice we have become!!Long gone are the days when Real men like Brian Curran would be seen pounding flyers into submisson have we forgotten those days ..Cause to me THAT was what going to a flyer game was about ..Tough hard nosed hockey!!!!....Not these bunch of "-------"

  3. The NY Islander's are at a very pivital time in their history. There are a lot of critical decisions in front of them. Starting with their GM! The NY Islander's need another Bill Torrey. Someone without any questions knew what he was doing. This team, the way they are constucted, trully are not ready to compete with the better teams in hockey. Lets not kid ourselves, they are not. Can they make the playoffs?, maybe. But how far could they go if they did. The team needs size, speed, strength, and youth, like so many of the better teams in the NHL. The Islander,s need to do what Philly did last year. Be sellers at the trade deadline, where they can get draft choices, and younger talented players for the future. Bring up the kids and see what they can do. Finish low, if not last to get the #1 pick. Lets build a stanley cup winner instead of a playoff pretender. Finally FCT, I voiced my opinion on the post a comment on: Voice of the Islander fans, The god and the bad, V111. Could you please, fct, respond. Thank you Mark, Go Islander's

  4. Hey mark, I left a response over on that thread, check it out and sorry for the delay.

    I agree the Islanders are at a pivotal time in their franchise. If they are not going to challenge for a spot (and even if they do challenge I still would deal vets) this season then they seriously need to start moving people out of here. I would move Comrie, Berard, Fedotenko, Vasicek, Satan, Sutton, and even Witt and Guerin if it meant getting high draft picks in next seasons draft. The 2008 draft is loaded with gems and getting more draft picks in the first 3 rounds should be a TOP priority. Considering what teams got for players last season and the lack of sellers this year the Islanders could seriously be one of the only sellers in the next 2 weeks. Its time to think for the future.

    And to Mr Anonymous the obvious Islander fan - I agree. I have been to many Islander Flyer games and this whole Valentines Day promotion is an odd way to promote a game. That being said, this team needs to sell tickets.


  5. Hey fct, you nailed it!! Todays Newsday Islanders' article "borrowed" your blog title!!
    That is why I read this blog, you are ahead of the curve!!!
    Way to go!

  6. Well Im off to Blog the Islanders tonight, Hopefully I am not witnessing the continued spiral of mediocrity that has gripped the team over the last 20 years. One win is not going to fix this teams problems. They need to blow it up and start again. Compile as many 08 picks as you can.

    See you at the game -

  7. Good to argue... I mean SEE you again....

    And if you guys are only annoyed that the valentine promo was on a Flyers game, fine. If you're annoyed because there WAS a valentine's promo with hearts and pink... then I've got a bone to pick with you guys.

  8. It should have happened against San Jose or something. And I felt bad for the players wives... to be trotted out there with only a collection of drunken hockey fans to gawk at them with thier noses pressed against the glass like at some dime store peep show wasn't right. They should have used the Ice Girls for that, at least they know what they are there for. Fashion shows and makeover's at an Islander Flyer game? Not acceptible. Fashion shows and makeovers at an Islander Blue Jackets game... then its ok. I do admire the one person that was up and cheering for the Makeover.... hey whats up DEE!!?


