Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Time to Panic - Poll Results.

This is the time people. It is officially time to panic. While everyone else in the Eastern conference seems to be holding thier own the Islanders are slip-sliding away into the great abyss. While this is no means meant to be a write off on the team, it is a red, loud buzzing, circulating warning light that this team needs something to turn it around, and that right soon. 1-5-1 in our last 7 games and showing absolutely no sign of being able to score a big goal.. or any goal for that matter what is a team to do? I know what you are thinking, "they they had a similar slide last year and still made the playoffs." The jury is still out on wether that was a good thing or not. Also, they needed a perfect storm to happen in order to make the playoffs in the 1st place. I am not going to sugar coat anything here, because I believe life is to short for BS. If this team does not show signs of coming out of this slump and actually challenging for a playoff spot then they should be sellers at the trade deadine. There would be takers for Comrie, Guerin, Sillinger, Vasicek, Berard, Fedotenko and Satan. This would allow the Islanders to amass some young talent and draft picks. Its obvious the team cannot score goals and we have 2 young prospects that are more than proving they are capable of scoring at the AHL level, why not try and let them prove it here if the current cast cannot get it done. If this team can challengs for the division title, then let them prove it. If not, then ship them out of here for the betterment of the organization. The time may be coming for tough decisions. Let us see where this takes us.


MY GOODNESS Richard Park has become a popular fellow. 61% of the respondents believe that Richard Park has been the non DP MVP this season and I agree. Richie has come a long way in the last 2 seasons and has more than filled the gap left by the enemy #55 when it comes to being a spark plug. He has scored and assisted on some big goals and is the type of guy the team should hold on to. Guerin and Witt had 15% of the vote and Mike Comrie trailed the field with 7%. This weeks poll will deal with the issue of rebuilding from the ground up, and this time I am not talking about the lighthouse project.

Hey is Super Bowl Sunday so what the heck -



  1. FCT I can't agree more its taken the isles 50+ games to figure out that they can't score!!!!with Sillinger out this should be the sign to pack it in commrie ..satan and I am tired of watching Guerin did you see the two give aways to the canadiens ...on the same power play he turns the puck over twice the last time passing it right on Kovalev's stick with a now look pass... away goes the habs and its 1-0...enough is enough....the Isles should be doing everything to get a 1st round pick back in a deep draft this off season...thanks to the Smyth trade they don't have one ...AGAIN!!!!!!!they called up nilson and do what is right and call up kyle and get him some free nhl experience that he needs...stop being cheap and crying about him getting more than 10 games...kyle will put fans in the seats after you have dumped the vets wich they will need to do.......The mission is clear !!!!Do what is right for the future and stop putting band-aids on the team with one year contracts to vets who are looking for that final pay check to finish in 8th and get knocked out by a good fast young team in the first round every year!!!!!!

  2. I would say it is time for Mr. Wang to put more $$ in the team & sign forsberg. Sure, we know he is injury prone, but this is what the better teams do, they invest in their team to make them better.We have been at this level forever & I am tired of the same ole-same ole, every year. We have no scoring, (DUH!) he is available, & unlike that lazy russian we had, will contribute by playing a hard nosed defense when not scoring.
    But, Sir Charles is only interested in that one thing, that phallic symbol of a project called 'the Lighthouse'!

  3. Gary,

    Forsberg will never come here. He will go to either Philly (doubtful) Vancouver, Ottawa or Colorado. If I were a betting man, I would bet on Colorado. I highly doubt Forsberg would come to a team that is 11th in the conference. Maybe if the team were in the hunt for the division lead he would consider it, but its just not going to happen.


  4. Why would you want Forsberg ...he just said today that he doesn't feel 100% and if this continues he might never come back also he is going to want more than a one year deal ..let someone else deal with this tired aged vet ...speaking of tired aged vets ...SATAN OUT FOR AN UNKNOWN TIME ...this gets me so ANGRY!!!!!...why didn't they trade him when they had the chance...No satan ...No sillinger...NO KYLE!!!!! play offs rebuilding....NO nothing!!!!...If we are not buyers and we are not sellers what exactly are the islanders???? Can you please anwer this question?????some one help ....THE TIME IS NOW FOR THE dawn of a new day that sees Kyle Okposo leading this once storied franchise that has won 4 staney cups back to the promised land!!!!!!!!

  5. Mr. Anonymous - You are definitley a passionate Islander fan, anyone can see that.

    The Islanders were doing just fine when they were sitting 7th in the conference and within 4 points of 1st in the Atlantic. Look at what a difference 2 weeks can make. The team has one foot in the grave and the rest of the Eastern Conference looking to throw dirt on them. As much as it pains me to say this, it is time for the team to rebuild and try and get a shot at one of next seasons big time prospects for which there are plenty. 2 or 3 that fit the description of kids that can come right in here and make a difference. In the next 2 weeks the team will have to decide wether they will hold onto thier dim playoff hopes that will probably go no where, or dump the vets and stockpile some draft picks and young talent and secondly GET THE KIDS UP HERE and see what you have got. There is a market for the vets the Islanders have because they are ALL on short term deals for little money. Sillinger, Comrie, Satan, Vasicek, Berard, Guerin, Sutton.. whatever it takes to get some draft picks. Lets see that Jeremy Colliton can do, lets see what Tambelini, Nielson and Ben Walter can really do, and yes, lets see what Okposo can do. Lets stop talking about how good our prospects are and use them for a change because the last time I checked the team was sinking faster than the Titanic. I have a feeling that this is going to end badly if we do not move to stockpile the picks.


  6. I agree with your last response, fct with two exceptions, Comrie and Vasicek I would not trade. They are both young (27) and talented. I also believe Mike Comrie can be a leader. The rest I agree with. I was also hoping, fct, to get a response to my last comments on your last blog, The good and bad part V111- making the playoffs. Thanks Mark, "Go Islander's"

  7. Hey Mark,

    I would trade almost anyone on the roster, with the exception of maybe Okposo for an 08 1st round draft pick next season. If Comrie could net a 1st eound pick its a no brainer. Despite what I think he seems to like it here. He is saying all the right things (unlike Mr #55 last season) in not demanding a contract from the team. I would love to keep him here long term but I can see the writing on the wall. This season seems more like an audition. Vasicek I have no problem dealing. I have seem to many players just like him with immense talent that come through the Islanders system and never realize thier full potential. We need picks, and a lot of them. If The team is in a position to pick up draft picks they should go for them. There is noone on the current roster I would not trade for picks in 08 especially if they are on the last year of thier deals.

